Good-Bye Summer

Today is the last day of summer. It was a summer of hot temperatures, wild fires, and weird weather for gardening. It was my first summer without Everett, but creating his memory garden provided me comfort. It was a season of supportive friends, difficult times for some family members and friends, lots of quality time with Riley and the cats, and lots of fun Family Dinners. I created bouquets, filled the backyard with lights,and spent quality time with my siblings, Now,on to autumn. Here are some of my favorite images of the summer of 2021. Good-bye summer.

Sunflowers were late at blooming, but it was worth it.

I moved most of my containers to the deck during the heat wave.
summer bouquet

sibling outing

The lilies thrived in the heat.

outdoor lights

Everett's memory garden at the beginning.
