"Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day".
Yes, it continues to rain at 514. Today I am focusing on the silver linings rain has provided in my gardens. There is much to appreciate around my place because of the rain.
We got to enjoy a double rainbow.
The tulips are lasting longer.
The columbine's color is more vivid.
The lily garden is exploding.
Bouquets are lasting longer.
The lilacs are also lasting longer.
“Colors shone with exceptional clarity in the rain. The ground was a deep black, the pine branches a brilliant green, the people wrapped in yellow looking like special spirits that were allowed to wander over the earth on rainy mornings only.” – Haruki Murakami
I love reading your "Gathering Around the Table" posts. Your flower pictures are always outstanding.