A Creative Rendezvous, Part 1 CCRT

My sister Carol and her husband Paul have created an online business called Grow Me a Story. Their mission is  "to create a virtual community for those seeking to deepen the joy and meaning that come from practicing the art of creative living." I have participated in this community by doing a book study of The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron via Zoom they led,  by contributing to the online Sacred Community Garden, reading their blog and listening to their podcast that includes interviews with people leading a creative life. You can find their website here: https://www.growmeastory.com

One suggestion for fitting creativity in your life is to do a Creative Rendezvous. They suggest you take yourself on a fun and playful outing each week. This is to provide inspiration. The main goal is to have fun.  

This last week I planned a Creative Rendezvous for more that a few hours. I planned a four day stay at a vacation home in Missoula, MT. My friend Tracy, another member of the Sacred Community Garden joined me, We also brought my dog Riley on the road trip.  We were so excited my sister Carol could join us for a couple of  days.

Carol created flowers on a floral scrapbook sheet.

I created a collage celebrating our family dinners,

It was an amazing Creative Rendezvous. We planned many parts ahead in case we needed supplies. We did some fun crafts using paints, photos, lettering, and other mediums. Tracy surprised us with sheets of photos she found on our Facebook pages and had printed. The little pictures were perfect for many of our craft projects. Carol created the row of flower paintings at the top of the page.

Fiesta Ware at The Import Market

We wanted to visit places that would inspire us. The Import Market was one. We all had memories of shopping at the Import Market in Spokane. Walking in the store was like walking back in time with the baskets, incense, candles, bright lanterns, posters, and now Fiesta Ware. Just all the bright colors were an inspiration. 

Tracy created a special collage of Riley photos for me.

She also created the front door of my house with photos and flowers. I just love it.

We engaged in creative chats, we read, we wrote, and we created. I think we met the goal of the rendezvous.  We were inspired and we had fun. Riley always wanted to be near, but couldn't do the crafts. Poor Riley. Stay tuned for more of our creative adventures in Part 2.

“Wherever you are is always the right place. There is never a need to fix anything, to hitch up the bootstraps of the soul and start at some higher place. Start right where you are. "

― Julia Cameron

The Import Market

It was a cozy and comfortable vacation rental.
