I have been working for weeks decluttering, reorganizing, moving things in the house, hauling things away, and trying to find things. I hoped to get this project done before it was time to move outside to garden. I haven't gotten done yet, but it snowed today so I tackled another closet and some organizing cubes since it was too cold to garden.
When it takes you an hour to find where you put that important document from the IRS, you know it is that time to regroup and reorganize. When you find the bag of stuff to donate from last fall, you know it is time to go to a donation place.
So that is what I have been doing....slowly, a bit at a time until it it time to rest. This reorganizing is tough work. It is emotional ( Do I keep it?). It is physical ( Can I move this whole box of books by myself?). It is mentally draining ( what is the year on this tax statement?) It is satisfying ( Oh look, all the spices are now in the same place!). It is also annoying ( Didn't I just file these papers three hours ago?)
If the weather stays cold and it continues to snow I may get the whole project done! Decluttering the gardens will be much more fun. Sigh.
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