The Best Time of Summer

 After all the hot, hot temperatures, the smoky skies, and the dry air I never thought we would arrive at what I call the best time of summer. For me the best time of summer is when the nights cool a bit, the air has more moisture, and the days below eighty degrees.are. It is the best time of summer because the flowers love it. They can recover during the night and then show their beautiful blooms in the sunshine during the day. The weed growth has slowed down. Everything in the garden doesn't need as much water. You can sit outside during the day and enjoy it!

The birds have come back to help themselves to food at the feeders. The butterflies are back out. I haven't seen as many flies or yellow jackets. Even Riley will stay outside while I putter in the garden. A few weeks ago it was even too hot for him. Now my wish is that frost stays away until October. Let us have at least five weeks of the best time of summer. 
