Six Things You May Not Know About Riley


Riley is my Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier. He is four years old. If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you have experienced Life With Riley posts frequently. These are things you may not know about Riley:

He feels safe in his crate. He heads to bed every night at seven o'clock. This started when Everett was with us and went to bed early. He has continued the tradition.

Riley loves to go to the groomer. When he used to go NW, he couldn't contain his excitement. He now goes to a new groomer and has earned a gold star after both of his visits. RF loves Riley

Riley has the same morning ritual every day. He sits on the stool by the living room window and watches for the mail lady. He sees her first across the street at the church, then waits to see her appear all around our street before she comes here. Next he watches for his UPS buddy. The UPS guy goes to the gate every time and gives Riley a treat. With my frequent purchased online he comes by often.

Riley loves to ride in the car every day to a place that he can run free. He loves the area around the high school and the area around the old drive- in theater in Smelterville.

Riley is very photogenic.

Riley doesn't really like to play fetch or swim. He does like his stuffed toys Wheat, Rye, and Oat.
