A Good Mood


Don't you always want to be in a good mood? 

Sometimes when it is 105 degrees outside it is hard.

When you are learning to live alone without your dear, sweet husband, it is hard.

When you realize you have used the last ice cube in the whole freezer and you want to make a cold drink, that is really hard.

I thought a lot about good moods and bad moods today.  It was hot, I sat in the dentist chair for two painful  hours, I forgot to turn on the AC while I was gone.  All this could have put me in a bad mood. Instead I made a list of what puts me in a good mood. Here is the list:

Getting personal letters. I love getting a note, a letter, or thank you from friends or family by snail mail. It just lightens the mood of the day.

Getting a refund. Even if it isn't that much, isn't it always fun to go to a business and have them say, "Oh... we have a refund for you? We overcharged you. " Yes!

Riley. That is all I have to say. My dog can bring me out of any mood that isn't positive just by being with me. He makes me smile, he makes me laugh, he makes every day worth living.

Discovering a plant has returned. I love it when I think a plant has died in the garden, then I go out and there between the leaves of some other plants it is back. It is peeking through ready to bloom and brighten my day.

Locating something that was lost. Lately for some reason I have lost many things around my house. I am always immediately in a good mood when I open a drawer, look in a cupboard, or check under a chair and there it is! Found at last.

Learning there is a new book by a favorite author. I love it when I get a notification email or see a post on social media that a favorite author has a new book out. Then there is the decision... do I order it on Kindle, do I get on the list at the library, or do I wait until it comes out in paperbackto purchase it. 

What puts you in a good mood?
