The Shed Notebook: Ten Lessons Learned From The Remodel

We started a remodel project on our house on April 25th. As of yesterday, it is winding down and we are working to put the house back together. I had never been through a remodel before, but I did learn some important lessons through the process.
1. You can survive without a shower every day. You can even survive without a shower every three days.
2. Having a toilet in your house is overrated. We managed one whole night sneaking outside and "watering"  the lawn.
3. A human CAN sleep through hammering, drilling and pounding. I have mastered it very well in the six weeks.
4. The dogs did survive not being with us every waking moment of the day. They started enjoying the backyard together.  They also enjoyed playing tug a war with two bench cushions. The cushions didn't survive.
5. It is possible to enjoy healthy dinners without a stove/oven. It helps to have restaurants close by in a pinch though.
6. Our cats can also sleep through hammering, drilling, and pounding. Our cats could sleep through an earthquake.
7. When purchasing a vanity for the bathroom, don't rely on looks only. Our very beautiful vanity only gave us about an inch to squeeze by to the toilet. It had to go back. Darn, I loved that vanity.
8. Having a mirror is overrated also. We both survived with only one hand mirror during the remodel. I didn't scare anyone when I went to the store so I guess I looked somewhat presentable.
9. You have a perfect excuse to not clean house during a remodel. Why dust when more dust will fly?
10. The whole process is so worth it. We could live with the inconvience.
Photos soon!


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