The Shed Notebook: The Eleventh Anniversary

Eleven years ago yesterday I began writing this blog. In that time I have written 2030 posts. When I started my blog it was for the purpose of keeping a chonological order of events in my life and have a place to share sibling writing assignments . Later I began using my blog as a place to share photos. As a lover of poetry I also have shared many favorite poems.
As a teacher of writing I stopped following my own advice. I told students to just put the pencil to paper and write what comes to mind. At first it may be not be good, but just get it down. Don't lose those thoughts and ideas.  I stopped doing that. Life got in the way.
I know as a writer I need to keep up with it. Having a routine helps. I admire my two siblings that have each kept a routine of posting their own reflections each and every day. I hope to get to that point again. I remember saying the other day, "I just didn't have anything to write about" when explaining why I hadn't posted on my blog.

Thank you this quote Jodi. How true. As I continue to build a routine again and get those words down I will realize I do have something to write about each and every day. So here is post #2031 with hopes of more to come.
