Sibling Assignment #182: It's Yesterday Once More, Summer of '73.

Brother Bill gave the assignment this week. 

"Reflect back on the summer following your high school graduation and before you started college and write about memories that stand out, feelings you had, things that you did, or whatever pops in your mind when you think about that summer."

I have thought about this assignment a lot. The Summer of '73 was a confusing time for me. I worked under a difficult person in my job, my brother had a horrible accident, I wasn't kind in ending a relationship due to my insecurity and immaturity, I didn't know what to expect preparing for college, but there were fun times with friends that I will always cherish. 

Any time my friends and I get together it always seems like we reflect back on the music of that time. When Dawn and I do craft day she has this great radio station on her television that reminds us of so many memories. When we had another get together her husband made a playlist for the '70s. 

The songs that I remember the most were the anthems of the time that we could belt out in the car, on the dock at the lake, or while sitting around the campfire. It was the year of "Tie a Yellow Ribbon", "Morning After", "Touch Me in the Morning", "Killing Me Softly" and "Delta Dawn."

We always had to join the Spinners to ask the question , "Could It Be I'm Falling in Love?' the summer of '73.

Then there were the songs we could sing with perfume bottle microphones. Thank you Carpenters for "Yesterday Once More", then the famous jukebox favorites "Little Willy",  "You'll Never Get to Heaven if You Break My Heart, ' and "Big Bad Leroy Brown."

Even though "Summer Breeze" was popular a year prior we were always a bit behind the times in Kellogg. We loved all the songs on that album: "Summer Breeze", "Hummingbird", and "Diamond Girl." 

What do you notice about these songs. They were upbeat, ones that were easy to sing , and ones that are still with us after all these years.They do melt the years away.  It was hard to decide which videos to feature, but take a step back in time and enjoy. 

What were your favorite songs the Summer of '73?
