Photos That Freeze Time

"I love photos, because the best thing about a photo is that it never changes, even when the person in it does. " Iambino

This quote reminded me why I love photography so much. Photos hold the history of life. One image can remind me of an event, a place, a person, or an experience. I can actually smell the room, feel the love, see the yard, hear the sounds of voices. I never get tired of looking at old photos and remininsing with family and friends. " Where were we when this picture was taken?" "Was I really there on that day?", " Did we really look this young?" These question are always followed with more stories or full laughter. Here are a few of those photos. I love the picture above of my dad and brother. It depicts my dad as a working man that found such simple joy in his first born son.

My sister with her friend Tina at her anniversary party last summer.

My brother dancing in my living room with my niece Zoe back in the day.


My first dogs Lucy and Nikki in my backyard in Kennewick.

Dad making his infamous Tom and Jerrys at Christmas. Check out the seventies crock pot on the counter. Mom still has that!!

The house I grew up in until I was seven. This is a more recent picture of how it looks.

Photos and memories.... love them.


  1. I loved this post! I'm the same way with photos. They transport me back to the time and place. Thanks for sharing this little glimpse of your life!


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