The prompt for today on NaBloPoMo is: What is your favorite part about writing?
My favorite part of writing is first draft dumping. I dump eveything from my head on paper or the screen. I don't judge, value, evaluate, second guess, rethink, revise, edit, or give up. I just keep the flow going until the dumping of the topic is complete. Somtimes the draft is in sentences, other times it is phrases. Lists or sketches work also. Once all dumping is down I stop and review, reread, and then begin my real first draft. This strategy works well with my student writers also. Sometimes we set the timer so we are forced to keep dumping without stopping, judging, reviewing, or revising. I save the draft dumps and these collections of words often become a polished piece later. The key is taking time to draft dump often. That is part of the Glorious Madness. That and capturing photo images for inspiration like these.
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