Lessons Learned While Weeding

Garden clean up is a bit like house clean up. Just about the time you get the piano dusted inside  more dust appears. Just about the time you put away the gardening tools another marigold needs deadheading or a weed appears. It is the ebb of flow of domestic life I guess.
 I have learned that weed barriers don't always work to keep weeds out forever. Rugs work great though. I take old rugs and put them down and made a path over the weeds. It works especially well in places that the weeds wouldn't budge. JEJ took old carpet from the church and put it around the raised beds in the vegetable garden. The weeds stay underneath it is a more comfortable walk!
The weeds that come up through those little holes in the bricks are very pesky.  Sometimes lots of water from the hose will either unearth them, or drown them. Just try to keep the walkway intact!
 Kittens can be a big help while you are working in the garden. They jump around in the flower bed, thena dog digs around behind them. Eventually a weed gets pulled or a dead flower comes off.
 Oakleaf hydrangeas are perfect for the bed in front of the house. Their blooms turn from white to a beautiful mauve color and don't have to be deadheaded!
The best motivation for working in the garden is to have a goal in mind for the end of the day. Yes, I will sit at that table when the sun is setting and look at a patch weed free! It worked. We even had fresh peach pie!


  1. Weeds are symbolic of the things that come into our lives, IEG, and we need to constantly weed our thoughts, our emotions, our physical habits, our friends. great post,

  2. Why is it that the weeds grow so well while you are on vacation? We had at least the front down to bar3e ground in the parts that should be bare ground before we left. Three weeks later, everything that is supposed to there is okay except one unfortunate rose bush, but the weeds are much more than okay--the weeds are magnificent.

  3. weeds are just flowers in different clothes :)..

    I LOVE the view you get from your porchie thing....



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