Our Own Guitar Hero

As students worked away in class I had to catch their many "looks" for the day.  I couldn't help but wonder  if my Afro looked like this one when I went through my Afro phase in the seventies.

Yes, you have to do classwork today. In fact....  a double assignment!!

What ate your homework? You have to do better than that.

The three rooms in the middle school building are always the "happening places" when we gather for our afternoon holiday festivities. Our own students plan the party, but our former students from the high school walk over knowing there will be treats, dancing contests, and fun to be had by all. This year was no exception.

All it takes is an iPod with speakers and rock music, a former student, a yardstick, backup singers, and a classroom table then we had our own rock concert.

GG did not want to be outdone!

 The final encore!

 Then it ended. All was quiet, the room was clean, I found my stashed Vanilla Diet Coke, popped it open, put up my feet, and listened to a little classical music on my iPod!
