Drivng Toward Home By Water

the Columbia Princess crossing Lake Roosevelt

"A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and
expressive feature.It is earth's eye;
looking into which the beholder measures
the depth of his own nature. "
~Henry David Thoreau

I have been away and missed the water that surrounds the place I call home . Even with the unbearable heat and a tired body and mind from travel, I got goosebumps as a got a whiff of dry pine, golden grass, and vast water.
I love crossing the bridge at Fort Spokane and gazing at The Spokane River as it drains into Lake Roosevelt.
Seeing the line of tourists at the ferry reminded me I was close to home.
Lake Roosevelt... as I crossed the ferry I was reminded of it's depth of beauty.

The ferry driver blew the horn to let us know we had once again arrived on our side....the side that gets me closer to home.


  1. Ah, good. Just what I wanted to read: an "I'm home" post...look forward to more, if you decided to write more about being home again.


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