Remember December: G is for Gingerbread

Gingerbread cookies are another Christmas tradition. Whether the gingerbread boys are dressed up with raisin buttons or the girls have stripes piped on their skirts gingerbread people bring a whimsical flair to Christmas baking. I also collect gingerbread ornaments for a small tree in my kitchen.
My niece Molly made me a handmade ornament years ago that looked like gingerbread, but was a dough mix that was cut out, then baked. I know the dough had ginger in it. The ornament hung on my tree each year until my dog Emily decided it smelled just too good to resist. I came home from school one day and Emily had eaten the ornament! I guess if it gave her a tummy ache, the ginger in the ornament would help settle it.

Then there are the amazing gingerbread houses creative people make all over the country in contests each holiday season. Click here to see other gingerbread houses in a contest with the one above. Truly amazing!


  1. Now that is what I call a ginerbread house!

  2. Hey Go Figure.... I figure people need to find more work if they have time to do these. lol.

  3. I had so much fun last year making real big ones with my grandaughter Mara Grace..


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