First Frost: : An October Farewell

1. A deposit of minute ice crystals formed when water vapor condenses at a temperature below freezing.
2. A temperature low enough to cause freezing.
3. The process of freezing.
4. A cold or icy manner.
5. what happened to my gardens over the week-end.

We said good-bye to the peppers,
and the sunflowers,
the tomatoes, and the cardinal climber.

1. To cover with frost.
2. To damage or kill by frost.
3. The ending of my vegetable garden and many flowers.


  1. ...but the beginning of gorgeous leave shots, like that one ^ ! yum-o-la!

  2. Time for sleep, it wont be to long before new growth and life.... you know winter is just around the corner with that first frost that shocks you that first morning of discovery....


  3. Yes... frosty it is! Brrr... what cold pictures indeed! Snow won't be far away, that's for sure!!!

    Mountain Retreat- Canada


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