Sunday Scribblings: Observations

It is hard to get much by these two dogs. They are good observers!

For other Sunday Scribblings on observations go here.


  1. Anonymous16.8.08

    What vigilant observers you have there - always on duty.
    So cute too :)

  2. They look like good guard dogs.

  3. Anonymous16.8.08

    My dog loves to observe things too, just sitting at the window for hours!

  4. Oh they're so lovely! I love dogs. It's especially nice to see your post today since it's 1 year exactly since my dog died. I miss him :)

  5. You are a fine observer of dogs observing. I love these photos!

  6. Nice puppy pictures you posted. Did you know the red heeler (that is what we call them here) is originally an Australian breed.

  7. P.S. I have a blogging friend in Idaho in Spring Lake is that close to you?

  8. Wonderful interpretation! Makes me miss all the dogs who were once a part of my life.

  9. people could learn a lot from animals - fidelity, loyalty, protectiveness, and unconditional love to name a few things --- gorgeous pics!!!

  10. Anonymous19.8.08

    Out in front of the laundromat Two guard dogs in the back of two Trucks
    Put there for safety
    And to see that no one fucks
    With their owner's stuff,
    Bark like crazy,
    Loud at ear height,
    Reminding me of bar bouncers
    Out for fun and
    A good fight.Bristling and Jostling,
    They shiver the sky
    Until closer inspection reveals That they are just
    Barking goodbye.

  11. Pet your puppies for me. I'm on the road and far from dog! Lovely photos.

  12. envious of your four-legged friendships. (well, we have our cat and our daughters cat right now -- but they just aren't company like the dogs are)


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