Photo Hunt: What is That?

What IS this? Make a guess and I will reveal it tomorrow. To find other photo hunters on "What is That?" go here.


  1. No clue! This theme is killing me.

  2. I guessing that it's some kind of rock. Whatever it is, I like the photograph. Hope you are having a great weekend.

  3. Anonymous19.7.08

    I was going to say "tree," which would be funny, as that is what I posted as well, but then I looked closer/harder/again, and now I'm thinking maybe rock...

  4. Hopefully, it's part of a majestic mountain.

  5. I'm thinking a rough piece of granite or marble. It's beautiful whatever it is.

  6. It's Bear Rock. No, no, no, I said BEAR not Brer! It's cooool! where is it?

  7. I would say rock, possibly granite type.

    But I'm curious. Is it just me or does anyone else see the figure of a horse's head toward the upper center? I'm sure it has nothing to do with what the object is. Maybe it is like clouds where someone sees a figure that others just don't see, lol.


  8. I'd guess petrified wood or rock, but whatever it is, it's a neat photo. :-)

  9. Anonymous19.7.08

    i think its some sort of rock...

  10. I think its a satelite view of where you live from some weather map, with the clouds covering the actual land...... this day will be overcast with a slight chance of showers :)


  11. I think it is a rock, but I also see an image that is similar to a dragon. Beautiful shot and thanks for stopping by.

  12. Is it some sort of rock? :) My photohunt pic is graffiti on a warehouse in NYC where artists are allowed to paint their artistic works. :)

  13. Anonymous21.7.08

    It must be a rock... :-) Okay, I feel like cheating but I saw the explanation already. But I'd still think it's a rock.


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