A Springtime Ritual: From Greenhouse to Garden

We finally thought it safe to bring our wintered over plants out of the greenhouse. Geraniums, spider plants and begonias are the most successful wintering over inside. Today we placed many pots on the stone wall to adjust them to hot weather. I was pleased to see many plants already blooming.Another set of plants are now hanging on the old ladders in front of the garage adjusting to outside sunshine. The wandering jew and ivy geranium seem to like being outside again.

Finnigan immediately found a place of his own on the empty shelves in the greenhouse. Now tomorrow we can figure out where to relocate the group of plants. Unfortunately there are weeds crying out to be pulled also tomorrow.


  1. thats it! I'm going to have a green house this fall.

    (I hope)

  2. I LOVE with a passion red geraniums........ I wish I was your neighbour lol


  3. Lucky you to have a greenhouse! Is it heated?
    I love the ladder idea.
    Isn't it great to get the plants outside. Mine are back in at the moment because it's back to cold here. Brrr. We did have some much-needed rain though and that's very welcome.
    Looks like your overwintered plants did very well. I had very good luck with wax begonias. It's the first time I've tried overwintering them.


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