The Garden Primer Makes My Heart Soar

" Gardeners make the world a better place. So when they show me battered, sun-bleached, mud-spattered copies of my book and tell me it has coaxed them into the garden, I feel that I have done the job I set out to do." -Barbara Damrosch

When I got serious about gardening one of the top five books in my gardening collection was The Garden Primer by Barbara Damrosch. I learned so much practical information about soil, plants, composting, and garden planning in this book. Barbara and her husband Eliot Coleman also had a show on the Learning Channel called Gardening Naturally. I gained even more gardening knowledge from that show.

My heart soared over spring break when I saw a display of a new Second Edition of The Garden Primer advertised as "The Classic, Even Better". I love how Barbara has aged gracefully in the twenty-two years from the first cover to the second and how the front still has a familiar look. Also the book is deemed "The Completely Revised Gardener's Bible....100% Organic." That is one big difference with the second edition. The gardening wisdom is 100% organic. I have just begun to use the new edition as I prepare new beds, rearrange some gardens, and amend soil.

Our spring blooming trees and shrubs are benefiting from the knowledge I have learned from Barbara. To read other Sunday Scribblings using soar go here.


  1. We are in the midst of summer foliage here in Berkeley. No blossoms anymore, but plenty of roses and iris. And temperatures approaching 100! I'm sitting in front of a fan and taking the advice of TV anchors to stay inside out of the heat.

    Your blog is always a delight.

  2. Thanks for letting me know about such a gem - I'll see if I can get it locally. We think we've finally had our last snowfall, and just had our little garden patch tilled. I'm so excited! :)

  3. I love the geraniums. Spring is still magical for sprouting everywhere, covering ugly scars of winter.

  4. Anonymous16.5.08

    OOOOH! New garden book. Thanks for the heads up. It's now in my amazon shopping cart.

  5. I love that book. I just the other dya recommended it to my son and his fiance who will have a garden space in their new digs. "What can we plant in July?" "errr, probably something--consult the Garden Primer." I'm sure they will want the new edition, but as he is in the used book business...

  6. Anonymous16.5.08

    Oh, I love gardens... Such a nice post.

  7. There is something that makes our hearts soar about spring, huh? I'm down under this May, so it's fall for me.... I sure miss it when you start talking about flowers!

  8. sounds like a great book - specially seeing as the new edition is 100% organic! I'm buying gardening books at the minute despite not having a garden, so I'll look out for this one!

  9. From what I've seen on your blog you have been a prize pupil. :)

  10. I agree with Tammy...your garden photos always make me drool, they're so beautiful -you can probably tell I have a black thumb ;(

  11. Anonymous17.5.08

    Your garden photos are beautiful.
    My heart is sore in spring, beecause here in Baja Sur we do not have the gorgeous flowers of spring i so loved in California.
    my heart Soared to see your post.
    I invite you to read my sister, Patricia klindienst's book: The Earth Knows My Name. It is about immigrant gradebers all over the US.

  12. Anonymous18.5.08

    With so many gardening books out there, it's good to have a personal testimonial about one. Thanks!

  13. Nicely written! And that stone wall with the flowers is gorgeous!

  14. This is a wonderful (and timely, for me) review! Thanks so much for posting it along with your beautiful pictures.

  15. Since this is our first year taking on the garden, I think I NEED this book immediately, since we are basically throwing things out there and hoping something will happen. Good luck with your garden and I will look for this book.

  16. Wonderful photos and I enjoyed reminiscing along with you about Barbara Damrosch--she has aged well too, like us!
    But the lovely migration from your greenhouse outshines us all.
    Have a lovely week.

  17. I just brought this book home from the library the other day and my husband is reading it at the moment. I'll get to it soon!
    I see your spring has sprung and your garden is looking beautiful. Aren't the flowering trees a sight for sore eyes? I've enjoyed them throughout our area so much this spring.

  18. Anonymous22.5.08

    Gorgeous post! Envious as I water my indoor plants! Lovely ;~)


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