Celebrating National Poetry Month: Poem #4

raymond pert and Dad

It's an old box camera,
a Brownie, the color and shape
of the battery out of a car,
but smaller,lighter.
All the good times-
the clumsy picnics on the grass,
the new Dodge,
the Easter Sundays-
each with its own clear instant
in the fluid of time,
all these have leaked away,
leaving the shell,
this little battery without a spark.

-Ted Kooser

Easter with the siblings


  1. Oh my, I LOVE looking at your old family photos, I especially love the one with Raymond and your Dad..

    I use to have an old broken box brownie camera that me Uncle Dave gave me when it broke, I use to use it as a little house for my 3 little miniture trolls LOL......


  2. This would have done well for the Sunday Scribblings prompt this week, actually.

  3. Thanks Marmite... I am thankful Mom saved so many pictures.
    Betty... welcome... yes, this would have worked for that also.

  4. those brought tears to my eyes.


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