Late Afternoon Thursday: Relaxing and Reflecting

It was such a delight to come home today and enjoy the late afternoon sun, a fire in the gazebo, Isabelle in the chair, the trees turning color, and JEJ waiting to converse about our days.

Annie loves to walk the property and she stands out among the falling leaves by the pond.By the gazebo the pond reflects the autumn trees, the shrubs close by, and the late afternoon sky. It makes a perfect location for relaxing and reflecting after a hectic Thursday.
Our newest " most photogenic, cutest kitten ever" Kit decides to get acquainted with Isabelle.
As we sat enjoying the fire in the gazebo discussing the day, this was the view looking west. Once the day warmed up and the sun came out, it was a perfect autumn day for relaxing and reflecting.


  1. I'm so relaxed now too after looking at the view :)

  2. Oh my, you have a proper fireplace in your garden.... how wonderful..... lovely pictures and what a beautiful kitten.... Im glad its picked you to live with....


  3. What a perfectly relaxing looking afternoon - your property is so lovely!

    Thanks for sharing your zen moments :)

  4. What a delightful retreat after a long day! Looks very inviting.

  5. Anonymous5.10.07

    De"light" ful! The light threads these all together.

  6. Anonymous6.10.07

    such a tranquil place! thanks for the photos, it's so nice to see pleasant images.

  7. Thanks to all of you. It was a delightful day. I look forward to another day soon that I will have time to enjoy that.


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