Bouquet #19: Today A New Sun Rises

" Today a new sun rises for me; everything lives, everything is animated, everything seems to speak to me of my passion, everything invites me to cherish it." Anne de Lenclos


  1. stunning arrangement.

  2. Anonymous8.9.07

    Oh, how I'll miss the flowers! BTW, LOVE your 'vase'!

  3. Sheby: Thanks. I just threw them in for the picture and noticed they worked out okay.
    Jackie: The pitcher was a gift from my sister. Since I don't use pitchers like this very often it works great!

  4. I love the quote and am pondering it --- and will for awhile. Very nice! And the flowers --- perfect! Don't you just love this Indian Summer we are having?


  5. Another beautiful bouquet! I really enjoyed your post on writing, too. I've always wanted a room with a view in which to write, as with you, I can (and do) write anywhere inspiration finds me...

  6. I am ever amazed at your flower arrangements. As Shelby said - this one is Stunning!

  7. Rondi: Sounds like you have lots of inspiration around you also.
    PIMD: I love the bouquets even more as fall draws near. Sunflowers are so easy to grow yet add so much to an arrangement.


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