Picture Drops: Flowers and Spring Bouquet #10

I played with pictures today making collages. I love the picture drop option. Here are some blooms.

Now I know what to do when I can' t decide which bouquet picture I like.

I think I may have found a new toy with Picasa.


  1. Oh, my goodness! Those pics are incredible! I love to take flower pictures and try to watercolor them. This sounds like a lot of fun. . .what's Picasa?

  2. Go to Dashboard
    On right click to Help Center
    then click advanced use to
    Add-ons then photo albums...
    click Picasa. That is the album storing place. At the bottom you can download Picasa. I think it will work also if you do a google search of Picasa and it will take you to the free download. If this doesn't work- ask RP. He figured it out first!!

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  4. Anonymous3.6.07

    Beautiful blossoms and bouquets - and sounds like a fun toy to play with!

  5. Anonymous3.6.07

    I better forget I saw this-I don't need anything more to keep me at the computer for hours at a stretch!

    Those are gorgeous photos, btw. I bet the real flowers are even better!

  6. Thanks for the tip. . .Now I need to get to work. . .JOB. . .

  7. Thanks everyone. Now I am learning how to do other fun stuff with photos. Darn, I wish I didn't have a day job.


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