National Poetry Month, Poem #16


Draw a line. Write a line. There.
Stay in line, hold the line, a glance
between the lines is fine but don’t
turn corners, cross, cut in, go over
or out, between two points of no
return’s a line of flight, between
two points of view’s a line of vision.
But a line of thought is rarely
straight, an open line’s no party
line, however fine your point.
A line of fire communicates, but drop
your weapons and drop your line,
consider the shortest distance from x
to y, let x be me, let y be you.
Martha Collins

Line has fifty-four definitions in a college dictionary. Martha Collins plays with some of them. She also uses catchy alliteration like: corners, cross, cut in.


  1. As I read this nifty poem, I thought it was written by Billy Collins--I don't know Martha Collins. . . funny I would have that happen!

    I'll have to post my fav Billy Collins poem sometime soon in honor of Nat. Poetry Month.



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