Day is Done

"The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of night." Longfellow

As another day is done in the country and just as the darkness falls, that is the time I reflect on the tasks that are always on a list to do. Spring brings busyness as roses begin to show life, bugs appear, weeds have proven once again that winter is their friend, and birds are building nests.
Outdoor Spring list:
Clean out the rabbit hutch and add the "cold manure" to the flower plants.
Replenish the dirt in the window boxes to enrich the soil mix.
Begin deciding if some roses are dead or alive, and if dead decide what will go in the spot.
Revisit the memorials for our dear, deceased dogs and see if the honor plants are thriving.
Put out garden decor that moved inside for winter.

Decide the best way to tackle the "grass issue".
Examine the deck and decide if it can go one more year without a paint job.
Plan color schemes for the containers around the yard for this year.

I do love the busyness of gardening in the spring. Tomorrow is another day. I will tackle another item on the Ourtdoor Spring list.
