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A Great Find: The Green Picket Fence
We love to go to second hand stores and are always on the lookout for good deals. When we began making our land into gardens we searched for used items that could work into the landscape design. A few years ago JEJ was rifling through some used stuff behind our favorite second hand store. A used picket fence had been taken apart in sections and was resting in a field. I was sure we could find a place for this kind of fence. This great find was loaded up and as we headed home we had a friendly debate about the best place to erect it.The beautiful antique fence was first placed as a border in the front part of our property. Later when a row of Chinese Elm formed a new barrier, we decided to move the fence. Not an easy task, but a worthwhile idea. Now this fence has been painted a muted green color and forms a natural border between sections of our back yard. I love picket fences. Grandma's house had a picket fence. Older houses often have picket fences that support a border of climbing roses and lilacs. In a few weeks sunflower seeds will be planted in front of this fence. By August vivid shades of yellow will blend together to enhance the above view of the garden. I always love a great find.
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