Then the rain came down to soak us,
And now before the eye can focus
Crocus." Lilja Rogers
One thing I love about these early spring bulbs is how quickly they appear. One cold, windy day you notice some grass like leaves emerging through the bark in the garden bed. The next day you observe vivid, colorful blooms. If you are just beginning to grow spring bulbs, this is a surefire pick. I like to mass plant them, allowing them to come up in big clusters of color. I knew a guy in Spokane that naturalized them into his lawn each year. In March the front yard was always bursting with purple and yellow blooms. It was beautiful . If you haven't planted a crocus before, plan ahead in the fall. Get the bulbs in the ground then. You will reap the rewards the following spring. These lovely bloo
s just appeared in my garden bed.
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