Sibling Assignment #192 : The Memory of Lilacs

I gave the following sibling assignment #192:
“What flower evoke strong memories with you? Share those memories in our next sibling assignment. “ You will find brother Bill's assignment here and sister Carol's here.

I have been surrounded by garden flowers since I was a little girl, Both my
grandmothers raised beautiful flowers gardens as did my Auntie Lila. Mom did the best she could, but the smelter smoke always made it a challenge in Kellogg. Later she was able to add more flowers when the smoke went away. When I would go visit these family gardens, it usually was in August when many varieties of perennials and annuals were in bloom. 

In spring though I could also look forward to lilacs. Lilacs evoke strong memories
with me. When we moved to 516 W. Cameron the back fence was lined with lilac bushes. The lilacs were strong enough to stand up to the smelter smoke. I looked forward to them blooming in the spring and filling the air with a sweet, heady fragrance.

Grandma Woolum also had lilacs in Spokane. Spokane is the Lilac City and what I
remember is that hers always bloomed first. We would bring home a bouquet that would carry that sweet scent in the car and continue when we arrived home. I could treasure that bouquet until ours bloomed.

It was one the first thing I planted when I had room for lilacs at Martin Creek.
 Now that I am back next door to Mom’s lilacs, I was pleased a row of lilac bushes were planted in my new backyard also.

Lilacs are also a favorite bloom to photograph. Here are a few of my favorite photo images.There is one thing I wish I could change about ilacs. I  just wish they lasted longer.
