NaBloPoMo Glorious Madness: Christmas Goodie Feast


The prompt today: "If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would you want it to be?" 

This is difficult. I am a fanatic foodie. I love the sight,smell, texture,and taste of many foods. I love comfort food, Mom's homemade food, restaurant food, hot lunch on occasion, my own food, and farm fresh food.

My last meal? Knowing myself and how I can't resist all the Christmas goodies when I go home for Christmas, I think my last meal would be all my favorite traditional Christmas goodies baked by my mom. I would have them all arranged beautifully on a lovely platter. The splurge would begin with buttery Spritz, rich and gooey Seven Layer Cookies, a bowl of savory, salty Nuts and Bolts, a yummy caramel popcorn ball. Then with coffee I would enjoy a slice of pumpkin bread and Sesame Seed cookies. I would save the best for last....a hunk of my favorite fruitcake with the aroma of brandy, fruits, and nuts all combined to make a delicious, moist bread. Such a Goodie Feast! Such Glorious Madness.

photo above of my mom's kitchen in my childhood home
