Sibling Assignment #131: Memories Around Food

Raymond Pert gave the assignment this week. What are you looking forward to at the cousin reunion in Orofino in July? You can find RP's post here and Silver Valley Girl's here.

I have written many memoir pieces centered around food in Orofino.  We didn't always eat in Orofino, but those memories have stayed with me. The gathering around the table with food always brings back vivid memories of Auntie Lila's Swiss Steak, Auntie Ronnie's canned cherries, Grandma West's homemade apple pies that came up from the freezer with hard ice cream, and old fashioned popcorn at cousin Lura's.

As we come together this summer food has already been planned. I know we will collect new recipes, talk about old ones, write down copies on cards from each other and I will have more to add to my collection. When families gather food becomes a vehicle for beginning conversation, sustaining conversation, and remembering.  I know that Lura makes a "killer taco salad". I also can't wait to taste Judy's bean dish from the crock pot. Gloria is known for her dill pickles. Mark will be smoking fish caught in the waters around Orofino. Lyle will be making his signature coffee.  Mom will make her potato salad and pies at home in Kellogg and transport them to her hometown as not to heat up the kitchen in Orofino. All this is only the beginning.
I will probably be able to pull together a cookbook by the time we are done on Sunday of our cousin reunion. I can't wait. I look forward to choosing recipes from my collection, hearing stories about where other recipes came from, and just enjoying the fellowship of family and food.
