Three Simple Pleasures: Christmas Cactus, Contentment, Sunshine

1. I am so pleased JEJ found my camera today and captured images of our Christmas cactus in full bloom in the natural daylight. I miss that when I  leave and come home in the dark.

2. There is nothing like a dog and cat that get along. The other night Shelby and Isabelle watched the Zags game together contently on the Christmas blanket. Okay... maybe they rested their eyes and missed a bit of the game!

3. Even when the temperature drops below 20 degrees, it is nice to see the sunshine.


  1. I am experience a tremendous amount of Christmas cactus envy right now!!!

  2. great images mental and graphically sandy

  3. And you could add Christmas carols. If you enjoy learning about the background of these songs, I invite you to check out my daily blog on hymn history Wordwise Hymns. I cover two Christmas songs today.

  4. oh my oh my oh my the crimbo cactus is amazing....... puts my tiny little one to shame, me thinks I will have to pot mine on LOL..... I bought it as a red one 2 years ago, and then last year when it flowered it was pink WTF lol


  5. IEG: Great photo of the snow on the bows. I am sure glad that scene must be from somewhere far, far, away. HA!


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