God's Country

I gave the Sibling Assignment this week: "What do you consider 'God's Country' and why? Raymond Pert's will be here and Silver Valley Girl's will be here.

God's Country
an area or region supposed to be favored by God, esp. a naturally beautiful rural area.
an isolated rural area.
one's native region.

 I would consider many parts of the Inland Empire of eastern Washington, northern Idaho and eastern Oregon God's Country. When I surveyed my photo files recently, Lake Chelan displayed its beauty in the early spring of the year in 2008 as an area I am sure is favored by God! It is also one's native region. JEJ grew up in the area.  We even took a rural road and found the land that he lived on as a child. The house was gone, but he remembered the location.

Annie loved Lake Chelan and it was her God's Country because it was a country full of squirrels for her to be obsessed over. The sunrise reflecting on the early morning lake was a beautiful sight in the early morning from the campground.

Lake Chelan in the early spring is quiet and untouched. When we were there snow was still melting and there were five of us at the campground. Two people on bicycles showed up later. We could walk the shoreline, sit by the fire,and  photograph sunrises and sunsets.It was a place I would consider God's Country. I look forward to returning again during the early spring or fall of the year.


  1. beautiful!!!!!!!!

  2. we were camping on lake chelan (in tents) when our campfire was suddenly blown right off the base and into an open tent.. .where our girls were sleeping.
    Then the wind just roared like a train whistle for about 40 minutes. One of the small tents came up with the stakes and rolled into the next camp ground.

    We found out that sometimes the wind just flies out of the peaks and surprises people like that.

    We were happy our boat was secured behind the wind break!

    Other than that, it was the most beautiful place.


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