Coming Home

Coming home again today meant I had the opportunity to grab my camera and take a Sunday garden tour. I am always amazed at how quickly the gardens change day to day in the spring. Join me on a tour:The sweet violets are in full bloom and putting out a lovely scent.The bright early tulips always cheer up the area by the vegetable garden.JEJ found a good use for the used carpet that was removed from the church. He will use it for a new weed barrier around the raised beds. Seeds have been planted and little swiss chards are coming back from last year.The bean poles that came from my grandmother's garden in Spokane are once again up to hold up the pole beans.You can't beat afternoon sun, ground that is beginning to green up, and blue sky. Oh dear.... I see a bit of snow still left on the mountain across the lake. It should be gone soon!


  1. What a beautiful area you have!! I love it!! I'll bet it's great therapy after a hard day!

  2. Gorgeous! This would be a good time to keep your eyes on the ground - until the mountains have shed the last of their winter shawls. A beautiful day here...removes a bit of cabin fever.

  3. Oh those violets are so lovely! All of it really - but violets are a special favorite of mine.
    Kudos on reusing that carpeting - great idea.


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