Remember December:V is for Visitors Inside the House

Lily enjoying the warmth of an inside room

Cats are creatures with minds of their own. When we adopted/rescued the five cats we have now each of them dealt with being house cats in different ways. McDuff always came in the house until Shelby arrived as a puppy. He was annoyed at being herded all the time so he moved to the garage/"other room" or is seen outside.

When Isabelle was rescued she became a house cat right away. She knew a good thing when she found it although she will venture outside, especially in the warmer months. We adopted Sweet William and Lily when our friend died. They had never been outside and lived in a small enclosed area inside. They now love the open spaces of outside, but live with McDuff in the garage most of the time in the winter. Here William is checking out the inside.
Kit is everywhere. He loves being inside. He likes hanging out with McDuff in the sunshine on the window sill and he was found in the spare bedroom the other morning! We are never surprised where we find Kit. We often check my car before I leave for school to make sure he doesn't get inside.

The very cold temperatures we are experiencing have changed the set habits of the cats. Lily and Sweet William have ventured into the house. McDuff has stuck his head out into the patio room and there have been times when all of them have been close by the wood stoves to keep warm.

Kit has made sure he gets the prime seat in the house when he thinks the dogs are coming. There aren't too many advantages to this cold,cold weather, but seeing the cats migrate inside has been a good thing!!


  1. it's been bloody cold here as well. what the heck is going on? oh yeah. that thing called winter. ahhh well.

    loved the pics of cats. We're up to six, but are hoping someone will want to adopt the kitten once we have him neutered & full of his shots. The challenge will be to capture his mother, Juno, and get her spayed before she has another litter. She is WILD but somehow decided to adopt our feeding station.

  2. Cats are smart... they know cat lovers when they see them... be careful in traveling. Stay warm also.


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