Reflections on Ponds in the Fall

Trees take on a whole new look when they are reflected in the smooth surface of a small pond.
The sun was in the right position so I wanted to see what I would catch in a photo image of the newly cleaned pond. I was surprised at the reflections I caught.

In the pond behind the house, the trees haven't grown as tall yet. The sun and clouds create a whole different reflection here. I think the reflections confuse the cats a bit, but none of our feline friends have tried to catch a bird in the tree in the reflection in the pond yet!


  1. Hi,
    These pictures are wonderful. Natures are looking very beautiful in pictures. The sun, clouds, trees and pond are creating a whole different reflection.


  2. Love picture of the cat and your remark that it has not been fooled by the reflection, yet.Too many times we humans fall for a false refection and try to catch something that is not there.

  3. I love the cat; he looks so regal and otherworldly; so clean and pure. Splendid pics as usual... have a happy day!


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