A Surprise Evening of Wondrous Words: Part 2: Sesitshaya Marimba

Another wondrous part of last evening(see below for Part 1) was being entertained by The Sesitshaya Marimba Band. Our guest of honor Elinor is part of this group. It began in 2003 when Tendekai Kuture came to the University of Idaho as a student pursue a graduate degree in music. He brought a set of Kwanongoma marimbas and then established this community band. Even though he left in 2005,the group continues to play throughout the Pacific Northwest. The CD above is their first, and a new one will be released soon.
Here is our guest of honor Elinor taking time out from the celebrating to perform with her band.

A few years ago when they gave a workshop at the Lionel Hampton International Jazz Festival at the University of Idaho high school students described them as "really cool chicks!" Their lively songs got people up and dancing last evening . It was a perfect addition to a night of celebration.
Elinor's husband Walter is dancing next to her during a traditional number. I have to agree. This marimba band is a group of "really cool chicks!"


  1. Great pics! Thanks for sharing them. Nice remembrance of a beautiful evening. Delighted that you captured Walter's spontaneous joyful dance. That made me cry. Everything made me cry.



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