Spring Bouquet #1 : A Gift from JEJ

"There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature - the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter. " - Rachel Carson The Sense of Wonder

I always yearn for the first bouquet of spring. Today the flowers were picked by my husband and waiting in the vase he chose when I arrived home. Ah... daffodils.


  1. Anonymous17.4.08

    I have a completely unrelated question. I'm thinking about providing myself with a carrot to help me last until the end of the semester. I'm considering a couple of days out of town on a lake with very few people somewhere north of me. Those would be the main requirements: Lake, quiet, 2-3 hours north of Spoke d'alene.

    That's your area-ish. Any recommendations? Both of locales and/or places to stay? You can email me with thoughts at sally at eamesharlan dot org.

  2. rolling rock and your husbands rocks too


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