My Love for Autumn Revisted

While driving through my hometown today and capturing digital images, I was reminded of where my love for autumn began.
This a street corner by my early childhood house. I clearly remembered the vivid colors of the trees on this street from when I was five years old. Growing up the grocery store always let us know when Halloween was coming.
Now the hills are covered with new growth since the smelter has closed. I loved the mix of foliage and the blend of fall colors from this view. The mix of plants, flowers, and trees in my Mom's backyard is another example of autumn brilliance. I love to be reminded of how beautiful autumn can be. Happy Saturday.


  1. Oh my goodness, I have never seen so many pumpkins, and at first glance I thought they were bags of oranges....

    Such beautiful foliage..... great photos..


  2. You remind me again of why autumn has always been my favorite season, although here in Berkeley we don't get many vivid leaves. It has always felt to me like the beginning of the year - perhaps because I have been tied to academia for most of my life.

    Such gorgeous photos!

  3. Kellogg's surrounding hillsides are absolute miracles. The Centre of the Universe is filled with wonderful maple and chestnut trees, that make for a great contrast with the stately pines and firs. Anyone who has ventured into the mountains surrounding the valley will agree that they are every bit the equal to New Englands' brillant show of colors.

  4. Oh, how I miss the mountains - but your pictures are soothing to the soul.

  5. marmite: I went to the store to pick up some things for my mom and had to grab the camera and snap.
    granny smith: It always feels like a new year for me also.
    Rondi: Thanks so much.
    seenthatbefore: I agree with you. I could have drove around another hour and taken pictures. SV Girl and I still plan on doing a photo day at the Center of the Universe!
    Thanks Pinehurst. I drove through your hometown Sunday and thought of you.


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