Today I Paid Attention!

"We have not inherited the earth from our fathers. We are borrowing it from our children." Native American Saying
This morning I drove south along Lake Roosevelt to work. My brain continued to wake up as I sipped a cup of coffee and listened to the lyrics of "Anticipation" sung by Carly Simon in the warm car. My mind wandered to my plans for the day, and a meeting I had after school.
I often forget to stop and pay attention to my surroundings along the highway. Today was different. I observed two swans swimming by Barnaby Island. I noticed the clouds settling in like fog across the lake. An eagle flew gracefully above a lone pine tree by the creek. Two deer paused in the field, then turned and fled into the brush. The sky was a spectacular robin egg blue. It was a breathtaking drive down the lake. I am glad I can borrow this from our children. I am also glad I paid attention today.


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